Illaoi Probuilds: Harnessing the Power of the Kraken Priestess
Step into the world of Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess, and discover the pro strategies that unleash her true potential on Summoner's Rift.

Step into the realm of the Serpent Isles, and one name stands tall: Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess. A beacon of strength and faith, Illaoi doesn't just embody the force of the seas - she brings them crashing down upon her foes. This Pro Illaoi Build guide delves into the heart of this formidable champion, merging her rich lore with the most effective strategies on the rift.
As a Fighter and Tank, Illaoi commands the TOP position. She sits comfortably in the B tier, showcasing a 0% pick rate, a remarkable 40% win rate, and a ban rate of 1.2%. These stats alone hint at her power, but it's her unique mechanics, deeply intertwined with her lore, that make her a favorite pick among pros. Armed with her golden idol, she not only shatters her enemies' defenses but their very perception of reality.
Embarking on this Illaoi Probuild journey will equip you with the insights and strategies endorsed by the pros. Whether you're a novice summoner or have sailed the seas of the rift for ages, this guide will elevate your game. Get ready to embrace the teachings of the Truth Bearer of Nagakabouros and dominate the battlefield with our comprehensive Illaoi Guide.
Itemization for Illaoi: Gearing up for Battle
When it comes to elevating Illaoi's dominance in the lane and teamfights, the right itemization is key. This section of the Illaoi Probuild guide will break down the essentials and flex picks tailored for the Kraken Priestess. From your starting purchase to situational assets, here's what the pros recommend for Illaoi's arsenal.
Starting Items

- Corrupting Potion: An ideal starting item for Illaoi, providing both sustain in lane through health and mana regeneration, as well as added poke damage via its burn effect.

- Plated Steelcaps: Enhancing Illaoi's durability against physical damage, these boots are a must-have, particularly when facing auto-attack heavy champions.
Core Items

- Hullbreaker: A top priority for Illaoi. It amplifies her split-pushing potential, giving her extra damage to turrets and added resistance.
- Black Cleaver: A perfect synergy with Illaoi's skill set, shredding enemy armor and enhancing her overall damage output.
Situational Items

- Sterak's Gage: Great for those moments when Illaoi finds herself in the thick of battle, providing a shield and added tenacity.
- Silvermere Dawn: Grants a cleanse effect, ideal for shaking off crowd control and debuffs that can hamper Illaoi's performance.
- Spirit Visage: Boosts Illaoi's healing, ensuring she remains a force to be reckoned with, especially against magic-heavy compositions.
Runes for Illaoi: Decoding the Kraken's Power
The true strength of the Kraken Priestess, Illaoi, shines when equipped with the right runes. While her abilities can lay waste to her foes, her rune choices accentuate her raw power and ensure she remains a dominant force in the lane. In this Illaoi Probuild guide section, we dive deep into the best rune choices for Illaoi, as recommended by top-level players.

Primary Tree: Precision
- Conqueror: As a keystone, Conqueror is a natural fit for Illaoi. With prolonged fights, she stacks this rune quickly, enhancing her damage and healing.
- Last Stand: When battles get close and intense, this rune amplifies Illaoi's damage, making her a fearsome adversary.
- Legend: Tenacity: Reducing crowd control's effectiveness, this rune ensures Illaoi stays in the fight and continues her assault.
- Presence of Mind: Enhancing her mana pool after champion takedowns, this rune ensures Illaoi can keep the pressure and continue her onslaught.
Secondary Tree: Resolve
- Bone Plating: Providing an initial layer of defense, this rune absorbs incoming damage, letting Illaoi engage without immediate repercussions.
- Unflinching: As fights intensify and Illaoi gets more focus, this rune ensures she remains resilient with increased tenacity and slow resistance.
Mastering Illaoi's Spells: The Call of the Kraken
Every champion in League of Legends brings a unique set of skills to the table, and Illaoi is no exception. Her spells allow her to dominate the lane, challenge her opponents, and call upon the Kraken's power to change the course of battles. In this section of our Illaoi Probuild guide, we will explore each of her spells and provide insights into their best uses. The pros recommend a

Tentacle Smash (Q)
- Description: Increases the damage dealt by Tentacles. When activated, Illaoi smashes down a Tentacle that deals physical damage.
- Usage: A primary tool for wave-clearing and poking enemies in lane. Use this ability to zone opponents and control space.
Harsh Lesson (W)
- Description: Illaoi leaps to her target, dealing physical damage and causing nearby Tentacles to also swing at the target.
- Usage: Effective for short trades and activating Tentacle hits. Can be used to initiate or follow up on engages.
Test of Spirit (E)
- Description: Illaoi rips the spirit from a foe's body, forcing it to stand before her. Spirits echo a percentage of the damage they take to the original target. If killed, or if the target gets too far from the spirit, the target will become a Vessel and begin spawning Tentacles.
- Usage: A powerful zoning tool, particularly in lane. Use this to force enemies out of position, potentially turning them into a Vessel, which provides additional pressure.
Leap of Faith (R)
- Description: Illaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. A Tentacle spawns for each enemy champion hit.
- Usage: An impactful tool for team fights and skirmishes. Activate when multiple enemies are nearby to maximize Tentacle spawns and turn the tide of battles.
Wrapping Up: Navigating the Depths with Illaoi
In our deep dive into Illaoi Probuilds, we've unveiled the core strategies and tools that make Illaoi the dominant Kraken Priestess. Equipped with the right items, runes, and a keen understanding of her spells, mastering Illaoi becomes a much clearer journey. It's essential to remember her strength in lane, especially when using her TOP to apply pressure and control the game's tempo.
Considering her B tier status, she's undeniably a force to be reckoned with. With a 40% win rate, her power in the current meta is evident. Yet, like every champion, understanding and adapting to the meta, as well as the specific game context, is crucial. This guide is not just about following Pro Illaoi Builds blindly, but about understanding the rationale behind each choice.
Remember, each game is a new opportunity to adapt and optimize based on the unique challenges presented. This Illaoi Guide serves as your foundational knowledge, and with practice, you'll be ready to bring the might of the Kraken to the Summoner's Rift. Best of luck in your matches!