Rammus Probuilds: Rolling to Victory with the Armordillo
Unleash the power of Rammus, the enigmatic Armordillo of Shurima, with our in-depth Probuilds guide. Dive deep into his strengths, strategies, and secrets.

Meet Rammus, the Armordillo. A being enveloped in mystery, Rammus commands the attention of many in the world of League of Legends. Often seen roaming the vast Shuriman desert, his origins are the subject of countless speculations. Some believe him to be a transformed beast, others see him as a demigod, and a few even consider him a sacred oracle. Regardless of the theories, Rammus remains unfazed and continues his journey protected by his signature spiked shell.
Primarily recognized as a JUNGLE, Rammus exhibits a unique playstyle. With a A tier ranking, his 0% pick rate and 70% win rate showcase the potential he brings to the rift. While he might not be a common choice among many players, his 0.7% ban rate indicates a certain level of respect from the opposition. If you're eager to delve deep into the secrets of Rammus Pro Builds, you're in the right place. This guide aims to unpack Probuilds for Rammus, offering insights that are tailored for both beginners and intermediate players.
From understanding the nuances of his abilities to optimizing his in-game build based on what the pros use, our Rammus Guide promises to be your go-to resource. Let's roll into the world of Rammus Probuilds!
Mastering Rammus's Item Build
Understanding the right itemization for Rammus is crucial to unlocking his full potential on the rift. Each item amplifies specific strengths, ensuring that Rammus can stand tall against his adversaries. In this chapter, we'll dissect the ideal Rammus items, as seen in popular Rammus Pro Builds, guiding you on when and why to use them.
Starting Items

- Gustwalker Hatchling: A favored start for many junglers, it provides the sustain and damage necessary for Rammus to breeze through his early jungle clear.
- Health Potion: Essential for maintaining health during the initial jungle route, ensuring Rammus stays in fighting shape.

- Boots of Swiftness: These boots are pivotal for Rammus, enhancing his mobility and enabling swift rotations around the map.
Core Items

- Thornmail: A quintessential item for Rammus. It capitalizes on his defensive strengths, reflecting damage back to attackers.
- Sunfire Aegis: Amplifying Rammus's tankiness and providing a burn aura, it's a dominant choice to bolster his frontline capabilities.
Situational Items
- Gargoyle Stoneplate: An adaptable choice for those intense battles. It offers a burst of survivability, making Rammus even harder to take down in clutch moments.
Deciphering Rammus's Rune Choices
Selecting the right runes is pivotal to amplifying Rammus's strengths and enhancing his gameplay dynamics. With insights from Rammus Pro Builds, we unravel the runes that optimize Rammus's performance, shedding light on their benefits and contexts.

Primary Tree: Resolve
- Aftershock: As the Keystone Rune, Aftershock fortifies Rammus's durability post-engage, granting him bonus resistances and an explosive damage radius.
- Font of Life: Boosts team utility by marking enemies Rammus impairs, allowing allies to heal when attacking those targets.
- Conditioning: Complementing Rammus's innate tankiness, this rune grants bonus armor and magic resist after a set time, solidifying his defensive posture.
- Overgrowth: Synergizing with Rammus's role, Overgrowth grants increased max health as minions or monsters die near him, further bolstering his resilience.
Secondary Tree: Precision
- Triumph: A crucial rune for skirmishes and teamfights, Triumph restores health on champion takedowns, ensuring Rammus remains a persistent threat.
- Legend: Alacrity: Enhancing Rammus's attack speed, this rune quickens his basic attacks, improving jungle clears and dueling capabilities.
Navigating Rammus's Champion Spells
As with all champions, understanding and mastering Rammus's spells is key to unlocking his full potential on the rift. These abilities define his playstyle and strategic engagements. Based on insights from Rammus Pro Builds, the recommended spell skill priority is

Powerball (Q)
- Description: Rammus accelerates in a ball towards his enemies, dealing damage and slowing targets affected by the impact.
- Usage: Powerball serves as Rammus's primary initiation and escape tool. Engage enemies or navigate quickly through the jungle.
Defensive Ball Curl (W)
- Description: Rammus goes into a defensive formation, vastly increasing his Armor and Magic Resistance, amplifying Spiked Shells' damage, and returning damage to enemies that basic attack him.
- Usage: Activate during skirmishes or when tanking objectives. Maximizes Rammus's tankiness and deters enemies from targeting him.
Frenzying Taunt (E)
- Description: Rammus taunts an enemy champion or monster into a reckless assault against him. Additionally, he gains increased Attack Speed for a short time, but this bonus is extended by having any of his other spells active.
- Usage: Ideal for single target lockdown. Use to control high-value targets in teamfights or to peel for allies.
Soaring Slam (R)
- Description: Rammus hops into the air and slams down at a target area, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If cast while Rammus is in Powerball, Rammus knocks up enemies near the center as well.
- Usage: Employ for area of effect damage in teamfights or to disrupt clustered enemy formations. Amplify its impact by casting during Powerball.
Wrapping Up Rammus's Mastery
In this Rammus Guide, we've embarked on a comprehensive journey through Rammus Pro Builds. From items to runes and spells, each component offers a unique facet to Rammus's gameplay.
Remember, item choices like Thornmail and Sunfire Aegis empower his tank role, while the rune selections in the Resolve and Precision trees fortify his presence in skirmishes. Furthermore, mastering his spells, especially with the suggested

Pro Rammus Builds offer invaluable insights, ensuring beginners and intermediates alike can unlock Rammus's full potential. Embrace these lessons, and you'll be on your way to rolling over your adversaries in the Summoner's Rift.