Twitch Probuilds: Mastering the Plague Rat's Arsenal
Unveil the secrets behind mastering Twitch, the menacing marksman of Zaun. From items and runes to spells, get the edge with our comprehensive guide.

Delve into the world of Twitch Probuilds, tailored specifically for the Plague Rat of Zaun. A cunning Marksman by role, and an Assassin by instinct, Twitch is a testament to Zaun's tenacity and ingenuity. Born from the depths of Zaun and armed with a chem-powered crossbow, he targets Piltover's pristine image, reminding them of their underlying grime. This sneaky sneak doesn't just thrive in the dark alleys of the Sump; he's also an expert at discovering discarded treasures among the trash, always hunting for that next invaluable item or maybe just a moldy sandwich.
In the League's rift, Twitch stands as a formidable ADCARRY with a tier ranking of A. Although boasting a modest 0.3% pick rate, those who master him reap the benefits, securing a remarkable 55.4% win rate. However, foes recognize his potency, reflected in a 2.7% ban rate. In this guide, we'll delve into Pro Twitch Builds used by top players, equipping you with the knowledge to harness his full potential. Whether you're new to the champion or looking to refine your gameplay, this Twitch Guide is designed with a beginner and intermediate audience in mind.
Mastering Twitch's Items
Perfecting Twitch's gameplay means understanding the most optimal item choices for this sneaky rat. Dive deep into the arsenal of Twitch items curated from the best Twitch Pro Builds. These items are the backbone of Twitch's power, maximizing his potential in various in-game situations.
Starting Items

- Doran's Blade: A staple for marksmen, providing essential damage, lifesteal, and health for early-game trading and sustain.
- Health Potion: Offers added survivability in the laning phase, ensuring Twitch can stay longer in the lane and farm effectively.

- Berserker's Greaves: These boots augment Twitch's attack speed, vital for a marksman aiming to dish out quick and consistent damage.
Core Items

- Blade of The Ruined King: This item synergizes well with Twitch's auto-attacks, dealing additional damage based on the enemy's health, while also offering lifesteal.
- Runaan's Hurricane: Amplifies Twitch's teamfight presence by allowing his attacks to hit multiple targets, spreading his deadly venom.
Situational Items

- Kraken Slayer: An option for players facing tanky enemies, this item delivers extra true damage with every third attack.
- Guardian Angel: Offers Twitch a second chance in fights, especially vital when he's the main target.
- Lord Dominik's Regards: Optimal against armor-heavy teams, ensuring Twitch's arrows pierce through even the toughest defenses.
Deciphering Twitch's Rune Choices
Runes play a pivotal role in tailoring a champion's strengths to a player's playstyle. For Twitch, the right combination amplifies his menacing presence in the rift. Here, we've distilled the essence of the best Twitch runes derived from top-tier Twitch Probuilds, helping you understand and leverage the power of the Plague Rat.

Primary Tree: Precision
- Keystone Rune - Press the Attack: Twitch can quickly stack this rune with his rapid auto-attacks, amplifying damage against a single target and making them vulnerable.
- Presence of Mind: Grants Twitch much-needed mana regeneration upon champion takedowns, ensuring he never runs dry in prolonged fights.
- Legend: Alacrity: An increase in attack speed is vital for Twitch, allowing him to apply his venom and execute his abilities faster.
- Cut Down: Given Twitch's naturally low health pool compared to tanks, this rune lets him deal more damage to healthier opponents.
Secondary Tree: Inspiration
- Biscuit Delivery: Offers added lane sustain and a boost in max mana, helping Twitch survive and trade more effectively in the early game.
- Magical Footwear: Provides Twitch with free boots at a certain time, saving gold and offering a bonus movement speed.
Harnessing Twitch's Abilities
Every champion in the League possesses a unique set of spells that define their gameplay, and Twitch is no exception. Unpacking his abilities provides a deeper understanding of his in-game mechanics. Based on top-tier Twitch Probuilds, the recommended skill order is

Ambush (Q)
- Description: Twitch becomes Camouflaged for a short duration, gaining Move Speed. Upon leaving Camouflage, he receives a burst of Attack Speed. Should an enemy champion marked with Deadly Venom perish, Ambush's cooldown resets.
- Usage: This ability serves as both an initiation and escape tool. Use it to reposition, ambush unsuspecting enemies, or reset during team fights for the Attack Speed boost.
Venom Cask (W)
- Description: Twitch throws a venom-filled cask, which bursts in a designated area, slowing and applying Deadly Venom to all targets hit.
- Usage: Ideal for zoning opponents, setting up trades, and initiating fights. The slow can also assist in catching out overextended enemies or retreating from threats.
Contaminate (E)
- Description: Twitch releases a surge of toxins, dealing damage to enemies based on the stacks of Deadly Venom they have.
- Usage: This is Twitch's primary damage tool, especially in the early game. Use it to finish off foes after stacking Deadly Venom with auto-attacks and Venom Cask.
Spray and Pray (R)
- Description: Embracing his crossbow's full potential, Twitch fires elongated bolts that travel a great distance, piercing through all enemies in their path.
- Usage: Activate during teamfights or when chasing down foes to capitalize on its range and piercing bolts. It's particularly effective when enemies are aligned or clustered together.
Wrapping Up Twitch's Pro Strategy
In essence, Twitch Probuilds provide players with a robust framework to harness the Plague Rat's full potential. By understanding the items and runes outlined in this Twitch Guide, you set the foundation for dominating the rift.
Our journey through Pro Twitch Builds emphasized the importance of item choices, from the initial Doran's Blade to pivotal core items. Likewise, the suggested rune path amplifies Twitch's strengths, allowing players to adapt and overcome various challenges in-game.
Lastly, mastering Twitch's spells is crucial. With the recommended