Vayne Probuilds: Unleashing the Night Hunter's True Potential
Unlock Vayne's unparalleled power in the League of Legends realm. This guide covers everything you need to dominate the Rift as the Night Hunter.

Known as the Night Hunter, Shauna Vayne stands as a beacon of hope against the darkness that lurks in the realm of Runeterra. As a relentless Demacian monster hunter, her tale is steeped in tragedy, with the shadows of her past fueling her undying quest for vengeance. Wielding a wrist-mounted crossbow, Vayne is ever-prepared to pierce through the heart of evil, making her one of the most feared ADCARRY champions on the battlefield.
In the current meta, Vayne holds a A tier position, boasting a 0.3% pick rate and an impressive 49.1% win rate. While she's banned in approximately 1.1% of the games, those who master her can leverage her assassin-like agility to decimate enemies. If you're keen on mastering this champion, diving into Vayne Pro Builds can provide insightful guidance.
Whether you're a newcomer to the rift or a seasoned player, our Pro Vayne Builds guide will shed light on maximizing her potential. Dive deep into the preferred builds by pros, understanding the synergy between items, and adapting to various in-game scenarios. Ready to conquer the darkness with Vayne? Let's embark on this journey.
Mastering Vayne's Items
Diving deep into the Vayne Probuilds, understanding her items is crucial. Each item amplifies Vayne's skills, ensuring she becomes the ADCARRY powerhouse you aim for. Let's break down the essentials of Pro Vayne Builds and comprehend when and why you should opt for these selections.
Starting Items

- Doran's Blade: A perfect start for Vayne, offering attack damage, health, and lifesteal for early lane sustainability.
- Health Potion: To bolster lane presence by recovering health when needed.

- Berserker's Greaves: Increases Vayne's attack speed, aligning perfectly with her kit and bolstering her damage output.
Core Items

- Statikk Shiv: Prioritized for its burst potential and wave-clear, amplifying Vayne's mid-game power spike.
- Immortal Shieldbow: Offers both damage and survivability, shielding Vayne from potential threats and ensuring she remains in the fight longer.
Situational Items

- Blade of The Ruined King: An excellent choice against tanky opponents, as it deals percent health damage.
- Wit's End: Provides magic resist and additional on-hit magic damage, suitable against AP-heavy teams.
- Phantom Dancer: Boosts attack speed and grants additional mobility, ideal when extra kiting and evasion is necessary.
Decoding Vayne's Runes
Runes play a pivotal role in enhancing a champion's innate strengths and compensating for their weaknesses. Delving into Vayne Probuilds, it's paramount to select runes that synergize with her playstyle and objectives. Let's explore the ideal runes for Vayne, understanding their significance and impact on the Night Hunter's gameplay.

Primary Tree: Precision
- Lethal Tempo: Amplifies Vayne's attack speed after landing an attack, allowing her to deal more damage in skirmishes and extended fights.
- Presence of Mind: Grants mana regeneration on takedowns, ensuring Vayne can continuously use her abilities in fights.
- Legend: Bloodline: Provides lifesteal, bolstering Vayne's sustain in both lane and teamfights.
- Cut Down: Increases damage to champions with more max health than Vayne, making her lethal against tankier foes.
Secondary Tree: Inspiration
- Magical Footwear: Grants a free pair of boots with bonus movement speed, saving gold and enhancing Vayne's mobility.
- Biscuit Delivery: Provides sustenance in lane, aiding in health and mana recovery during the early game phases.
Harnessing Vayne's Champion Spells
Integral to mastering any champion is understanding their abilities and discerning the optimal usage for each. Vayne's kit, crafted with precision, allows her to be a formidable ADCARRY when played to her full potential. Our Vayne Probuilds emphasizes the spell skill priority of

Tumble (Q)
- Description: Vayne tumbles, maneuvering to carefully place her next shot. Her subsequent attack deals bonus damage.
- Usage: An essential tool for positioning, dodging skill shots, and augmenting damage output in quick skirmishes.
Silver Bolts (W)
- Description: Vayne's bolts are tipped with a rare metal, toxic to malevolent entities. The third consecutive hit or ability on the same target inflicts a portion of the target's max health as bonus true damage.
- Usage: This passive damage amplification makes Vayne formidable against tanks, and should be consistently procured in trades and teamfights.
Condemn (E)
- Description: Vayne procures a heavy crossbow, unleashing a massive bolt at her adversary, pushing them back and dealing damage. If they clash with terrain, they suffer additional damage and are stunned.
- Usage: Vital for self-peel, securing kills, or disrupting enemy champions. Especially deadly when near walls to capitalize on the stun.
Final Hour (R)
- Description: Preparing for a monumental duel, Vayne receives enhanced Attack Damage, Invisibility during Tumble, a decreased Tumble cooldown, and augmented Move Speed from Night Hunter.
- Usage: This ultimate elevates Vayne's dueling and teamfight potential. Activate in skirmishes or teamfights for amplified damage, repositioning, and evasion.
Concluding Thoughts on Vayne's Probuilds
Embarking on the journey of mastering Vayne requires a comprehensive grasp of her capabilities. Our deep dive into Vayne Pro Builds has illuminated her optimal items, runes, and spells. Leveraging these insights, players can amplify Vayne's strengths and cement her status as a formidable ADCARRY.
Items like the Trinity Force and Statikk Shiv form the bedrock of her damage output. Paired with runes such as Lethal Tempo, Vayne can dish out devastating damage in record time. Furthermore, understanding the nuances of her spells, especially the game-changing power of Final Hour, equips players with the tools to make pivotal plays.
Remember, while our Pro Vayne Builds offer a roadmap, adapting to the evolving game dynamics is equally crucial. Continual learning and adaptation, backed by this Vayne Guide, can propel any aspiring player to new heights. So gear up, dive deep into the world of Vayne, and let the Night Hunter guide your way to victory.